Try These 6 E-commerce Quick Wins To Grow Your Sales In Less Than 3 Days!

As an ecommerce business, you need to ensure that you’ve considered all avenues to make your site as conversion friendly as possible.

12 minute read
Try These 6 E-commerce Quick Wins To Grow Your Sales In Less Than 3 Days!

This way, your potential customers will find the information they need and want – and be encouraged to make a purchase. Here are 6 quick wins that you can apply to your site immediately and start noticing improvements in less than 2 days.

1. Sticky Add to cart:

For a ecommerce website, having a sticky add to cart button is a must have feature.

As you already know, highest number of sales happen during checkout process. In this regard, having a sticky add to cart button will help you in making the checkout process easier and faster for your customers.

Customers usually do not need to open another tab to view the product details as they can see everything inside this sticky cart itself. This makes the user experience better for them and it enhances their shopping experience which eventually makes them come back to buy more frequently from your store.

Something else very important, the sticky add to cart is always exposed to the user. If they scroll down, they will always be able to find it easily.

Because it's the name says...

2. Change your 3D images and use real product images instead

Some shoppers want to see exactly what they’re buying, so they can ensure that the product they are considering matches their expectations—whether they’re looking for specific colors, sizes, styles, or other qualities that make or break their opinion of the product. People make visual judgements quickly, so providing a great first impression will only help your case.

If you are selling physical goods online, try to get real product images. Show the product being used in different situations, with people who are using it. Show the product being used by different types of people. If your product is best suited for certain uses, then show those uses.

3. Optimise your website's speed: Get a free-lancer, ask your SEO guys, or use tools and extensions

I've seen in many studies that increase in page speed increases the overall conversion rate, but it varies by how much. A study done by Akamai found that increasing page speed from around 3 seconds to 1 second increased conversion rates by 14%.

Images are especially critical to site speed. Image optimization is one of the most effective methods of speeding up your website. As a rule of thumb, images should be no larger than their display size. For example, if an image is set to display at 100 pixels, the image file itself should not be larger than 100 KB.

People don't want to wait more than 3 seconds for the website to load, they're not patient! and I'm saying this by experience. The moment your users get tired of waiting and decide to leave your website, they will immediately search for other solutions/services/products. And here, your competitors will be waiting for them to welcome them and convert them into customers.

"Every detail matters in Marketing!"

4. Personalise the whole funnel

Having the right product recommendations on your site will increase conversions. Since not everyone is going to buy the same products, and since people won’t always be looking for the same things, it’s important that you personalise your recommendations to each visitor.

Use tools for Shopify, Wordpress and Prestashop, or get external help to set up product recommendations.

5. Set up Push Notifications in 10 minutes

Push notifications are one of the best ways to get in touch with your users and remind them about upcoming events, new arrivals, promotions etc. The reach of push notifications is remarkably high because it can be sent at any time to your customer even when they are not on your website or app. The conversion rate of push notifications is much higher than other forms of advertising like email marketing, social media marketing etc.

The benefits of push notifications are immense. Some of the most prominent are:

  1. Increase in customer retention rate
  2. Easy Communication with customers
  3. Get direct contact with your audience
  4. Increase in app usage, which will help in increasing sales and revenue
  5. Push notifications are an easy way to get your message across to your customers.

How to install it? Use free tools like Pushowl for Shopify and OneSignal for Wordpress. Both apps will let you set an automated cart recovery message for users who abandoned their cart.

6. Add "Buy Now" Button

The reason that Buy Now buttons are so popular with e-commerce stores is because they make it easy for customers to buy a product, and easy for the store to make a sale.

It just reduces the number of clicks and steps and complicated processes. It might seems like a little neglected detail. But believe me, it works. Just add it.

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